
Wednesday 14 November 2012



Chilla Cup is organizing a photography contest ‘My Coffee Moments’ from 11 November 2012 onwards. The contest invites photography enthusiast and coffee lovers to express how coffee inspire their everyday work, play and live in photography. Contestants may use Chilla Cup logo to extend the creativity.

In partnership with PhotoSafari and Coffee & Art Fringe Festival Asia (CAFFA), we are align to promote the coffee and art culture through photography. Shortlisted photos will be published at Chilla Cup Facebook for voting. The first prize winner walk away with a Samsung GALAXY Note II and Chilla Cup gift voucher worth of RM200. The second prize winner will receive Chilla Cup gift voucher worth of RM200 and third prize winner will receive Chilla Cup gift voucher worth of RM100. 5 merit winners will receive Chilla Cup gift voucher worth of RM50 each. These winners’ photos will be displayed and exhibited by Chilla Cup.

To participate, submit at least three (3) photos to during the contest period. Contestants are advised to stay tune with Chilla Cup official Facebook ( to stay tune on the news and updates.

Terms & Conditions :
1. My Coffee Moment Contest (the ‘Contest’) is organized by Chilla Cup (the ‘Contest Organizer’).
2. The 'Contest' starts on 11th November 2012 at 09:00 am and will run until 30th November at 23:59 pm.
3. The 'Contest' is open to the Malaysian public aged 18 years old and above as of 11th November 2012. This includes Malaysian citizens, permanent residents and those with legal work/student visas.
4. Photographs captured for the 'Contest' must be aligned with ‘Coffee’ theme and all participants' selection criteria shall not portray or involve any logos, companies, products, promotions, outlets and any form of branding relative to any other cafés/competitors of Chilla Cup.
5. All eligible participants (the 'Participants') who intend to take part in the 'Contest' shall agree to all the terms and conditions for the 'Contest' as defined by the 'Contest Organizer' which is shown below in this document.
6. 'Participants' are requested read the terms and conditions (the 'Terms and Conditions') carefully. By joining this 'Contest', 'Participants' signify their agreement to understanding and abiding to the 'Terms and Conditions' and the legal information pertaining to both this 'Contest' and any material related to it. If 'Participants' do not agree to the 'Terms and Conditions' of the 'Contest', please do not participate.

7. The 'Contest Organizer' reserves the right to change the 'Terms and Conditions' at any time without notice to the 'Participants'. The 'Participants' are therefore responsible for regularly reviewing and keeping up-to-date with the 'Terms and Conditions'. Continued participation of this 'Contest' following any such changes shall constitute the 'Participants'' acceptance of such changes.
8. No purchase is necessary in order to join this 'Contest'.

Winners and judging criteria

  1. Entries will be judged by an appointed panel of judges against photography criteria including but not limited to aesthetics, technical execution, image quality and appropriateness to and interpretation of the contest theme. The judges' decision is final.
  2. The 'Contest Organizers'' decision is final. No correspondence or any other form of communication regarding the “Contest” will be entertained.
  3. 'The Participants' may enter a minimum of 3 photos and up to a maximum of 10 photos. Repeat submissions are not permitted and will be rejected.
  4. A 'Participant' is only eligible to win one (1) prize per entry.
  5. The Prizes are as follows: -
  6. Grand Prize : 1 unit of Samsung GALAXY Note II and RM200 Chilla Cup gift vouchers / 2nd Prize Winner: 1 x RM200 Chilla Cup gift voucher / 3rd Prize winner: 1 x RM100 Chilla Cup gift voucher / 5 x Merit Winner: 5 x RM50 Chilla Cup gift voucher
  7. Selection of winners will be at the sole discretion of the 'Contest Organiser' based upon the judges' selection of all entries.
  8. Selected images will be displayed on the Chilla Cup Facebook and website. If an image is displayed, it has been shortlisted by the judging panel and is eligible to win a prize in its respective category.
  9. The 'Contest Organizer' reserves the right to shortlist and display images. The shortlisting decision is final and no correspondence or any other form of communication regarding the decision will be entertained.
  10. The 'Contest Organizer' aims to deliver prizes at the 'Prize Presentation Ceremony'. The winners or an
  11. authorized representative of the winner must be present at the 'Prize Presentation Ceremony' otherwise the
  12. prize may be considered forfeited. Transportation and accommodation incurred for attending the 'Prize
  13. Presentation Ceremony' for any and all winners will be at their own expenses.
  14. All winners will be notified by email. All details of the prizes and in particular the terms of their award, distribution and use will be provided by email notification to the winners. In the email to the winners, some information may be requested from the respective winners for the proper and timely delivery of their prize. In the event that the winner does not provide the requested information, a reminder will be sent by email. Should the winner still not respond to the reminder email for all requested information within twenty-four hours of the reminder email, the prize shall, to the extent permitted by applicable law, be automatically forfeited by this 'Participant' and Chilla Cup reserves its right to grant the prize to another 'Participant'.
  15. Personal details of all 'Participant' will not be shared with any third party and this information will not be used for any other purpose other than to contact individuals with matters arising from the 'Contest'. In the event a winner fails to respond via email within 48 hours after notification of winning or is otherwise disqualified from the contest, that prize will be withdrawn and awarded to the next qualified winner.
  16. No interest will be paid on any prize. Prizes may not be transferred.
  17. The 'Contest Organizer' reserves its sole right and discretion to (a) award an alternative prize of an equal or greater value and (b) in exceptional circumstances to vary, amend or withdraw this competition on reasonable notice.
  18. The 'Contest Organizer' reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to disqualify any individual found tampering with the 'Contest' process or the operation of the 'Contest'.
  19. Winners may be required to take part in post-event publicity, and agree that their Full Name and/or their photos be published by Chilla Cup in any of its publicity materials.
  20. Winners are bound by the 'Terms and Conditions' that come with the prizes. The acceptance of the prize indicates the acknowledgment and agreement of such 'Terms and Conditions'.
  21. To the extent permitted by applicable law, the 'Contest Organizer' does not accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, injury or disappointment suffered by any of the 'Participants' entering the 'Contest' or as a result of non-allocation or acceptance of any prize. Chilla Cup is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, service providers, computer equipment, software failure of any email or entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet, telephone lines or at any web site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to the 'Participant’s' or any other person's computer or mobile telephone related to or resulting from participation or downloading any materials in relation to the 'Contest'.
  22. By participating in the 'Contest', the 'Participant' agrees that no claim shall be asserted against Chilla Cup and/or its parent companies, partners or affiliates or any of their respective directors, officers, employees or agents in respect of any and all losses or injuries (including without limitation special, indirect or consequential losses), damages, rights, claims or actions of any kind whatsoever that result from said participation to the 'Contest' and/or nonallocation of any prize and/or the 'Participant's' acceptance or use of any prize.

Image ownership and intellectual property

  1. By entering an image or photograph, the 'Participant' attests that he or she produced the image/photograph and is the rightful owner to the copyright of the image/photograph. 'Participants' entering images/photographs not belonging to them will be disqualified.
  2. By entering an image/photograph, the 'Participant' agrees to grant Chilla Cup and its partners and affiliates a royalty free license for the use of the image/photograph in relation to the promotion of Chilla Cup promotional and advertisement campaign, the 'Contest' and any future of Chilla Cup promotional and advertisement campaign and 'Contests' organized by Chilla Cup, including publication online, in print, on television, within Malaysia and internationally.
  3. By entering an image/photograph, the 'Participant' attests that the image/photograph is not subject to any form of existing exclusive commercial or editorial license(s).
  4. Image/photograph copyrights remain the property of the photographer/'Participant'.

Final notes

  1. The 'Contest Organizer' reserves its sole right and discretion to delete, remove, ignore or reject photographs that are deemed improper or offensive in any manner, or which violate the 'Terms and Conditions'.
  2. The 'Contest Organizer’s' decision is final. No correspondence or any other form of communication regarding the 'Contest' will be entertained.

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