
Monday 13 September 2010

Teluk Anson @ Perak Darul Ridzuan

Teluk Anson (Anson Bay)

Trip with few friends, make a mid night trip into town  just only to have a look
take us an hours and more to reach here from Sekinchan after dinner

Before this hear a lot special food and thing about here..
want to make a ground searching on it..

Luckily here have few nice and special food for me to try , if not i have to
find my own activity lor. Here is small town . We just use 30 minutes to 
complete a circle on town

Only for Food , no play.

*'night owl' is here ,still many hang on Mamak,Mcd in the mid night *

First :斜塔 Leaning Tower PISA  Teluk Intan
GPS Location :N04 01.519 E101 01.162
me and leaning tower
Lohan pushed Tower
@engtaukia Lohan pushed Tower
 Hotel Angsoka 安苏嘉酒店

on the spot , walk in rent a Budget rate Hotel room
RM48 per night (public holiday + 20%)

GPS location :N04 00.948 E101 01.724
Batu Tenggek (War Memorial) 纪念石
Inconspicuous roadside stone, but contains long history.

GPS location :nearby Tabung Haji (Jalan Mahkamah)
Teluk Intan Chee Cheong Fun
燎记 猪肠粉 
address : 726, Jalan Hill, Teluk Intan
GPS location  :4°1’42.6″N, 101°0’50.46″E
加料猪肠粉 Chee Cheong Fan

Although it looks rotten rotten, but a very new special taste and flavor on it
旺记经济粉 Wan Kee Food
GPS location :N04 01.600 E101 01.135
白糯米饭+ 叉烧
Sticky Rice + Char Siew 
黄糯米饭+ 叉烧
Sticky Rice + Char Siew 
福顺宫 Hock Soon Temple
GPS location :Nil

Must follow local acquaintance

 Sin Joo Heong ( Tiger Head Brand ) 虎头牌

Directly to the well-known "Xiang Bing" factory, to see going on fresh biscuit
 or buy local product

GPS location :N04 01.793 E101 01.392
"Xiang Bing" Process

address :Jalan Woo Saik Hong,
36000 Teluk Intan,
Perak, Malaysia.

GPS location :N04 01.720 E101 01.079
Fruit Rojak

*ordinary taste not expected to extreme delicious * 
Stay at here for only 12 hours and left it . i can describe our self to be flash mob  traveler
For the first place, i done complete visit in 12 hours. 


  1. The tower actually leaning ?

  2. @joseph ya..i leaning since 1888+

  3. I tried the chee cheong fan before ,it tasted very different and i don't quite like it.

  4. @thomas ya.the chee cheong fan is too dry not the same as hong kong chee cheong fan with souce..

  5. ei, u look broader in the post compared to ur display pic ooo~~~hahaha

    btw ,the leaning tower, can go up ?

  6. @xjion89 oookkk..i m fat roo...ahaha..yaya..the leaning tower can go up by time 9am-5pm...but not at night of course

  7. Nice trip @@||and the food.. OMG! I haven't take my lunch.. Nikel, mind to treat me? :P

  8. @maxloon120 hoho...u take time here lar..maybe will full of stomach..hehe

  9. omg~~~ your pics of the msia leaning tower with ur frens are so funny lar!!! i wish to witness this tower by myself if there is a chance to get there!! anyway, thanks for sharing!!

  10. @lisa friends are owis funny... so fun with ur teluk anson trip..
