
Friday 30 April 2010

Porridge Time @ Tropicana City Mall

Porridge Time

Tropicana City Mall , Petaling Jaya
nearby Damansara Intan

Had a stop after my second last paper exam
Construction Management

Make me feel like #ProjectManager quote from Mike

back on time,
increase portion to my stomach again..wakaka
before faint die after the last paper
Old time signboard

#backdrop black with yellow and red word...
Oriental food join a trend of fast food

#let this put up thumb for Non-Halal food...Hooray!!
( this case sensitive for my some my reader...forgive me)
Porridge's Menu

NEW ATTRACTION : Giant Prawn Porridge 生虾粥
waiting for someone treat me..
Shredded Chicken Porridge with Century Egg

Farm Frog Porridge

Bill on RM16.70

#stomach full now....need catch book worm soon

Another Branch on :
Asian Avenue @ Sunway Pyramid Mall

Road Trip with My Broadband

Well this week Project Alpha again come another task...
but this time i not going to fight for the first 50 valid entries
to get RM20 credit

this week i am too busy with my exam
i wish only blog what i want to blog only..
i'm tiring to do get early post again
even i m know now the post is too late edy..
P1 Wiggy is tiny shape

After every my final exam will do so a short trip for release stress..
but not available for this months..i have my intern soon..haiz..
Head to kampung village ( Jenjarum ) without internet and FreeWifi
i gonna find alternative for it..
Maxis B ?Celcom B?Digi B?
Maybe P1 Broadband

come to the past few experience on the road,
is very inconvenience to find a place on9
beside of R&R (KFC , Baskin Robin)

Is hard to find the location where to head on when lost
(wakaka....very noob navigator here)

Every time obey on the GPRS to load and load WAP
is speed like snail..make me Faint once..
load a single page of homepage even take minutes

how to load mine love useful Map-king website?
(all the direction or interest place i look for it)
#food place i concern most

At the time , i draw my map from the Wikimapia
but but some incident occur once miss out one junction
is very hard to identify from the unfamiliar route at there area
take time to round round withing the same route
the destination make far from me sometime

the alternative now , Tiny P1 Wiggy very suitable to bring it out
and on9 on the same time while drive (danger !!)
try tweet , blog on roadside,
send free SMS from mobile phone site Digi Hotlink

write blog while the rest time , by key in most useful data
with co-ordinate food travel place.

Or else someone can free me a GPS for my navigator
i thanks him very much a lot a lot

The End

attachment below :

Episode 8

Episode 9

Episode 10

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS

Friday 23 April 2010

My Dream Destination

this week i has been blog twice about Project Alpha Season 2
its has been start screening on this week onward whole season
has been release..Episode one by one, day by day

since that..i every night stay tune on time at 12.15am
to catch the new fresh episode on my laptop
while me read my book..
#my study week now lor..quite sad

this time i need to blog about My dream destination

I do love travel especially the place full with other culture habits
such as Perth , Alaska , Russia(north pole)

while this , interesting place at Malaysia
such as Kuching , Kota Kinabalu ( Mount Kinabalu) , Sandakan

i do love travel on all this place is not because is famous as
so many my friends has been there..
by seeing those nice photo via Facebook thru broadband
but is for my own experience on the different living culture
beside always stay lone at West Coast Malaysia
here is always city ,town ,city, town

you not feel like very boring living in such environment
with pollute air breath in everyday..
#i think this is one the factor make me so stagnancy
so i would like to discover more on more
to make move my brain run smoothly
to avoid jam on the half way..(be old while young)

by how, the other place is living on different region
the air different , people different , lenglui (girl)different
and so on many many different..

the most headache different while travel is the currency rate exchange
this is so trouble while making all the booking,shopping,visiting

here is the new software make travel easier
what is so user friendly used?

you can explore all the cheap package price (flight + accommodation),
real flight time, flight ticket price , hotel rate...
plus , here can booking all online in one-stop-click..
its save a lot of time by just do visit the travel agency

the most must try is the trip planner
it can make your travel trip more working
(as many my fren owis talk n talk and non of them flying out)
the platform there can easily link u to the price and date
#this will reduce the delay planing on all trip..
#i like it very much

wohoo...make me feel like wana plan for my next travel trip now
ook..checking flight ticket available compatible with my holiday
do this via

is so sad...the flight price is going high on the nearest date
i just can plan for my next trip after 2011...haiz..
too bad is very busy is period time.

here is episode of 4 season 2..wohoo..

here is episode of 5 season 2....yiippy

here is episode of 6 season 2....yiippy

here is episode of 7 season 2....yiippy

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and

Monday 19 April 2010

My Version of Grooming Tips

This week the topic seem to be more tough edy..
it need talk about the Grooming...some like Make-over
And Make-up...or ever plastic surgery...

It look not familiar on my sector...
i not very expertise on this method oso...

this post will be a so so lame post i think among the famous blogger.
Damn..dun boycott my blog..
i just try my best..on the best
HOHO..i just get a action3 Man version from the Adidas
when the time of Project Alpha Launching Night

i only use this plastic surgery, make-up and make-over goodness..everyday smell good whole the day
without any worries on the bad smell from body sweating..
when meeting all my friends do so without any worries...

since here is here is damn hot
and everyone suffer on the sweating while walk under the Hot sun
everyday time and even at night time..

recently, weather here quite weird on night hot than day time..
so this is mother nature matter, we cannot do wat also

Luckily come out the Adidas Action3 which with
---24 hour anti - Antiperspirant protection
---Anti odor
---Dry system ( Anti Whitening)

now the time is 4pm..and so i still can smell my action3 as well
(from other opinion)
i still another have few more hours till night time
with action3..hehehezzz

so the action3 is good for heavy sweating person

(meet with fren , guest , client without any paiseh)

here is the Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 1

host from season 1 heading to a gathering at Kuching...

here is the Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 2

jojo was kidnapped by custom..alamak..

here is the Project Alpha Season 2 Episode 3

another episode coming soon on the net today and tonight
#be updated day by day

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Ninja Joe - Pork Burger @ Tropicana City Mall

Ninja Joe located at Tropicana City Mall lower ground
While route to Carefour main entrance

#discover out here Malaysia have a lot of Pork Burger lovers
#me is one of them
*why the pork burger shop is too little and hidden to found
another one in other place

I guess is only one and new Pork Burger fast food restaurant in Malaysia

#is health here, carbonic drink not sold at here
Bold the “non-halal” Words in my eye
when first visit

have burger in flavor of
Original,Oriental,Black Pepper,Sweet Sour

Oriental Ninja
Black-pepper Ninja
add-on Fries and Green Tea
RM13.40 on charge

#is delicious, but the portion is to tiny for me and so the price

Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair @ Berjaya Times Square

This happening event held on this morning
at Berjaya Times Square, KL

At the theme of

The LARGEST Blogger Community gathering
with Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair

YES...they make it a Malaysia Book Record with 1000+ blogger
gather in once venue this morning with the witness
of 1000+ blogger

With the new product
Gastby Deodorant Series
*double protection*
#mayb a lenglui in a row...hehezzz

A bull rider Games

The another Games

#some the street fair booth are take with blur image
so din upload it..

its still a lot game there

My goodies bag

A shirt print on Gatsby + A mobility fan

no point gain = no product claim

#Done my another event activity..can i have a read nw?
#delay all my review session..haiz..

Thursday 15 April 2010

Ice Kacang Puppy Love @ GSC Tropicana City Mall

Another Local Malaysian Movie By famous singer Ah Gu ( Ah Niu)
Must watch movie..keke

juz bec from Tropicana City Mall skip the jam at the peak hours...hehe

Now showing
Ice Kacang Puppy Love
(ice kacang = snow ice)

is a very localize typical Malaysian movie,
such a lot of the scene which related to our normal living lifestyle

some out of Hokkien , Tamil , Mandarin , And so Hakka spoken language.

have Kopi O , Ice Kacang , Barley Ice and Fried Kuey teow
(yes...all this of food is famous around Northern region of Malaysia)

Proud to be Northern Citizen

I do love it Ah Niu director the Video-ting technique
every scene have its own role to bring out the
"Kopitiam life" or childhood life to audience

good good

is different from Wohoo..but same HD quality movie..keke
Credit to GSC cinema and 五光十色

#must continue read my book le..abandon for whole day

Wednesday 14 April 2010

Date Night @ TGV , One Utama

my previous blog about my date night

As engtaukia wish...updated post about my last Date Night Movie

Yesterday me running off the excited Date Night
at TGV One Utama

Now showing
this movie was so wonderful with all action + jokes...
is a another enjoyment of comedy movie

The most memorable scene is on the Audi TT1 stick on the Yellow Cab
is cool when see-ing the Audi Car hit on the yellow cab
without any damage, but serious damage on another car
is so crazy on that scene play around at the crowd road..

Many funny and jokes was around there...

#Can consider a Audi Car later day..hehehezzz

For my recommendation is go watch it...
u will know what actually me laughing
on the whole long movie.

Non-stop laughing...
Credit to Nuffnang for the invitation and TGV cinema

Is a funny scene before the show...
TGV is showing us Clash of The Titan
instead the ticket on Date Night..
Quite interesting for me first time meet this..
Wrong show..Movie delay to 9.30pm

Monday 12 April 2010

No Strings Attached

Everybody love on freedom..
Free stuff it might come too

me encouraging myself to have my own freedom and privacy..

"Deng Deng Deng" ( sound of the ring)

Now the new era of 21 century , making my life more go on freedom
as P1 Wimax has walk into my world...

YOYO..its going to have my wireless networking on
the spirit of "Potong Wire" (cut-off wire)
that means on no string is attached on either my PC or laptop no string is tied up me..

me go on wireless mouse wireless keyboard
wide-yer-less monitor , and wired webcam

Me can on9 via talking on phone..
Me can Twitter via taking a shower at bathroom
Me can fast video-streaming via taking a nap
Me can download unlimited via Thunder down-loader
(with high limited bandwidth is enough for me)
Me so can check my latest food location at my google map
and also wikimapia..

is Up-to-dated faster to me

Wohoo..all this thing are my to-do-list everyday, every-night

Some thing dream also can be-ing Dreaming surfing net
discover-ing out the new location for my next going food hunt
Even that, me can upload download my picture of the food
for references faster and smooth on the while time

Some of this , i wont less facing of slow surfing on my laptop
(its depends on which coverage area)

So far , the good thing for me the P1wimax are the wireless modem

I dont like the world of what wired wired...
it look messy at my room
i have all the electronic devices at my room..
its come around 20wires round and round on my neck
i hate it..
so i need it all go wireless...

My home theater is going to have wireless soon
My laptop is going to change a remote control on it
(my laptop is come on wireless control system..hahahazzz)

Next hoping is all my plug go wireless someday in a while
(its may now a dream but not at future)

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Sunday 11 April 2010

Cendol Pulut @ Section 16 , Petaling Jaya

Did u hear before Cendol Pulut?

Location : between KFC and Shell Station at Section 16

The stall with a van
Members of tea-time :
Mike from as Photographer
Bongbf from as food hunter
LSlung from as food hunter
Terry from as food hunter
me from as food hunter

Cendol Pulut

# today the cendol very not satisfied...the ice melt out no as cold as expected

Saturday 10 April 2010

Bangkok Masala @ Millenium Court , Petaling Jaya

Back from Millenium Court Petaling Jaya
Section 14
( known as Piccadily)

Lunch at Bangkok Masala
#actually is same with Piccadily

#why me there for lunch not dinner?
Normally there is only for supper time
I prefer lunch there coz of during lunch time people was not crowd
Important is on the food serve time is quick

Seafood Fried Rice

Mushroom Bruschetta

#this time d taste was different from me first try
Grilled Chicken Chop
Lost RM25.85 from pocket again

#but is really full at lunch , right time for me to take nap..hehe

Thursday 8 April 2010

Project Alpha Season 2 Bloggers Launch @ e@curve

Good Job on Project Alpha Season 2 Bloggers
Launch with Successfully...(Clap x3)

Venue : Cathay Cineplex , e@curve , Mutiara Damansara
Time : 7.30pm - Onwards
Dress code : Casual

(but this is a past event lar)

First time for me to meet all top bloggers in a once time..
so grand happening there

#me dont like to take photo with those bloggers..
Because i dont like using their name to help promote on me

normal dialog will appear after event:
"wah so grate , can have a shot with XXX bloggers" not really like it..

but but me have a chance on :
Watch movie in the saw hall
Take escalator with the same time
(they being my body guard as once..wakakak)

See this Adidas Action 3 logo as the border line on floor
Preview Lounge
(guess who u spot on the photo?)
Adidas Action 3 For Women
(White bottle for those like whitening women)
YES me have my two goodies bags
inside have :
Adidas Action 3 For Men (Black Bottle)
Adidas Action 3 For Women (White Bottle)
RIMMEL London Magnif'eyes Mascara (Red Color)

Food Of the night...

#like most on the Chicken Baked Bao (Shao Bao)
#dislike on the Meehun ( like stick)
Next on to Special Screening on Kick-Ass
A Superhero movie
Some illegal take scene from screen wakaka #projectalphamy

Watch the 2minits++ launch video on project alpha

after that, start on Movie Kiss Ass

A movie about a college student who wan to be a superhero like batman , superman
he also a lonely guy..hehezzz
he very upset on the country people scare of the trouble
after this, he decide to buy a costume on it..
B a real superhero rescue the world..
But after that he just realise is not easy to b a superhero..
not only to voice it out but not action any
he catch in trouble in an incident which cause him nearly to die..
But in some way , bring out of the meaning that nowdays is less and less
people will concern on another who is in too bad.
is really need a brave and strong person to control the world..
Keep hoping on cop? die faster la..

movie is not bad, funny ,normal storyline
but some words is not sensor it out..
dunno somewho will not comfort with it onot?
Who know about it?

Monday 5 April 2010

My Favourite Sport

Wohoo..i catch the first hand news on the
Project Alpha Instant Cash Blogging at time 5.30pm.

Today the title is going on my favorite sport..


look like i so sporting...sure a lot my favorite sport d..wakaka
(lame joke)
(Hopefully can list out all in time while rushing time on first 100 post)

HAHAHA>>>if eat is a sport then definitely i have a lot of sport experience..
so far i had eat for 22 years..and wishing to going on eating experience for another
NN years eat for for for sport...

One days no eat...u can...
Two days no eat...u maybe can..
Three days no eat..u cant said can..
Four days no sound edy la..
Five days no eat..other ppl said u can die liao la..

( creation from me non-sense not follow brain thinking d)

(now going to claim EAT as a sport from unknowns what organization)
Eating dumpling (Bak-Zhang) while waiting my Bak Kut Teh at Klang

OK....come to serious part le...Hot Air Balloon...
YES>>>i like this sport...but me lack of financial support..
so cant play on it..cant "tumpang" on other people balloon only
its cause me to minus my one favorite sport..sad sad..

Or else go shop buy a small balloon den tie it all 10000+ together maybe
can lift me up and not lift me down...
i think it's not costly then hot air balloon production..wakaka..
Hot Air Balloon at Putrajaya

Paintball = Pain really a painful game if try before on it..
u can feel it..feel it is pain...
no pain no gain..keke..
but this is also an expensive game is better ever than hot air ballon
100 bullet = RM20
1000 bullet = RM180
if me one day being a boss..den maybe can afford to play every night time
i like night game as well..keke..
(wearing an infrared helmet..damn combat)
Paintball game at Samsung Corby Carnival,
Sunway Extreme Park

Coming on the cheaper game then paintball...Softball...
(look alike baseball)
is very cool feeling when holding the bat and hit the ball
all the audience is waiting ur hit on the ball
(the feel cant describe...only the player know about it...)

Is very happy when hit the ball up to high sky..
all the audience is clapping hand and shout "RUN RUN RUN"
and gain one point when reach the base...
But is shame when hit no ball in a single bat...
all the audience shout on u also..but in different mood..
" Lousy lah..Lousy lah..bec home..."
(something like that)
Softball match at my uni

OKOK..back on the cheaper sport..Running or Jogging..
I was very noob on this sport la...
me seldom get training on it..
but I do love this sport..cause is the cheaper sport i can get..
Even i wearing a normal cheap cheap sport shoes..
i do can run for it..

Run for few round on PJ..will cause you lost about 130Kcal

u know why?

while running u need to do extra step....cover up your mouth n nose
to avoid your face become black in color
(vehicle is a lot here and the exzos all around pointing on us)
Tiger Run at Jaya One

on this year

Please support me few cents!!!!

Project Alpha Season 2 is presented by Adidas Action 3 and supported by P1 and MAS.

Sunday 4 April 2010

Top 1 @ Blogged Dot MY shock me lor..i never see my three post shows up to the
Top list in once time..wohooo...

Most Popular of Last 24 Hours

( I had three post up to there)

#Thx to my follower readers is urs merits and virtues..wakaka

Sushi King @ Mid Valley , KL

The Nearest Sushi King Outlet from the walk on Sony Expo

Is N years ago never step in Sushi King had sushi le...


Seasoned Baby Octopus

Nabeyaki Set
日式火锅龙面 + 豆皮寿司 + 明虾天妇罗

Japanese Wheat Noodles + Sweet Beancrud + Prawn Tempura

Special Seasoned Menu

土拿鱼肉碎 + 洋葱
Minced Raw Tuna and Spring Onion

Tuna Mayo
Tuna Mayonise

Onion Salmon

Raw Salmon and Onion


Seasoned Cuttlefish with edible wild vegetable

Crepe Salad Roll

Salad wrap in Brown Rice Crepe

Salmon Skin
Deep Fried Salmon Skin

#Not sold out le..try have look on it..enuf la..

Seasoned Jellyfish

#got sum sum thg different d

RM2 Sushi King card Bonanza
Exclusive for member only)

12-15 April 2010 ( Penisular Malaysia )
19-22 April 2010 ( Sabah Sarawak )